
TracFone LG Rebel 3 LTE L157BL / L158VL User Manual

Find out everything you need to know about TracFone LG Rebel 3 LTE L157BL / L158VL from its user manual, available for user of the phone and everyone else who wish to know more about the phone.

LG Rebel 3 LTE User Manual

Do you know why you need to have the user manual of TracFone LG Rebel 3 LTE L157BL / L158VL close by?

There are a couple of reasons for that and here they are:

✔ The user manual contains reliable and valuable information about the phone, specifically on how to use every single part and feature of the phone. It means you don’t have to look for anywhere else for that kind of information.

✔ With the kind of information available in it, you will be able to figure out the phone conveniently. There is no need for you to figure it out by taking apart the phone. Just read the manual, practice the instruction with the phone and master it in no time.

✔ Got any question about certain feature of the phone? Go straight to the section that explains about it and get the answer.

Those are the advantages you can get from this user manual. This user manual will give you information about each part of the phone.

Read also: LG Rebel 3 LTE How-tos and Tutorials

Start with the name of the feature / function, what it does, how it works, how to use it and how to change the setting of that feature to meet your personal taste.

That is not all. This user manual also gives you additional information for your safety and convenience.

For example, it tells you about software update process and how to run it, a list of the most common question regarding the phone and the answer (FAQ) so in case you have something to ask, check for this page in case the question is already there.

Also, you will find safety information on the use and operation of the phone. Take some time to read this section for your own safety.

Everything in this user manual was meant to guide you all along the way while using LG Rebel 3 LTE. So, be smart and have it close by.

Download: LG Rebel 3 LTE User Manual (882 KB)


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  1. How do I get a copy of user manual for TracFone LG Rebel 3 LTE L157 BL/L158 VL which I bought from Walmart on 9/15/18 and which was inadvertently put out in the trash this past Friday. Thanks for your help.

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