Before using LG 305C, make sure to read and understand completely the whole information that is available in its user manual guide which will assist you during the time you use the phone from now on.
User manual guide for LG 305C, a non Android phone that use Tracfone service will guide you during the time you use the phone. There are 3 main content that you will find inside the user manual guide and they are:
- The picture of the phone that you can compare to the phone inside the box.
- The basic information about the phone such as size, weight, battery, accessories and also the features of the phone.
- The tutorial. The tutorial part of user manual guide contains all kind of information that you wish to know so you can operate the phone along with every single feature it have.
User manual explains how you can take advantage from every single feature that LG 305C has to offer along how to use Tracfone service that it uses.
You can start it by going through the “Getting Started” tutorial that will show you how to use the phone for the first time, starting on how to insert the battery and how to remove it, how to turn it on and off, information about how to find serial number and phone number and also how to charge the phone. From there, you can move to other part of the tutorial based on your need.
User manual guide also included several information regarding the Tracfone service that it uses. It gives you the information about how you can view the airtime you have, how to get pending minutes and how to refill the account once you run out of it.
It’s all there to help you operate the LG 305C to its maximum performance. Any problem or any question that you might have should be answered on this guide, thus you need to keep this user manual guide around so you can use it for quick reference in the future.
Tracfone LG 305C User Manual: PDF Download | Online Tutorials. This user manual guide is provided by Tracfone and you will download from their server. If you find a broken link, please feel free to contact me through comment form below.