User Manual for TracFone LG 442BG – User manual for LG 442BG is available from TracFone, to help user know what they can get from the phone as well as how to use every single aspect of the phone easily without any troubled along the way.
Even a simple and basic phone such as LG 442BG require a user manual. TracFone provided this for every phone that uses TracFone as it carrier. This user manual was made for user so they won’t have any trouble while using the phone.
LG 442BG User Manual
User manual like this will work greatly in favor for those who just start using a phone. First time user will need someone or something to guide them along the way. User manual is the kind of thing that user will need. It has the whole information that user will need.
Start with the general information about the phone that listed everything starting from the phone physical size, weight, and also battery. Then there is the information about phone features to help user know exactly the kind of thing that it can do.
Despite the fact that LG 442BG is basic phone, it also equipped with several convenience feature to have fun with. User can learn how to make use the convenience feature along with other features for their benefit by using the tutorials on user manual. It shows user the step by step guide to operate the phone’s Bluetooth, Camera, Camcorder, MP3 Player, Calendar, Memory, Settings, Contacts, Call and so on.
The tutorial also show user how to use TracFone service by letting user know how to get pending minutes, how to use service plan, the refill benefits and how to add airtime. On the same page of User Manual, user can find the link to user guide from the phone manufacturer, to gives user more insight to the phone.
Just imagine to have those helpful information all in the same page and that what makes this as a valuable information to have, and don’t forget that the whole thing comes up for free, not strings attached so better make the most of it.
TracFone LG 442BG User Manual: PDF Download | Online Tutorials. This user manual guide is provided by TracFone and you will download from their server. If you find a broken link, please feel free to contact me through comment form below.
Bought 2nd lg 442bg tracfone in the past 6 months and this phone only stays charged for 12-24 hours and not even used to make or receive calls
Mine usually stays charged for several days, but one of the buildings I work in has very spotty coverage. When I move around in that building my phone is continually going in and out of coverage and continually losing and reestablishing coverage. Reestablishing coverage burns up battery each time. Maybe that is your problem.
Buy a new battery. I had to buy 3 until I got a good one.