
Moto G7 Optimo vs Moto G7 Optimo Maxx: Specs Comparison

Which one is the better phone? Find out the answer by reading this detailed specs comparison between Moto G7 Optimo and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx.

Moto G7 Optimo vs G7 Optimo Maxx Comparison

Motorola Moto G7 line has several products with different specifications. Among them is Moto G7 Optimo vs Moto G7 Optimo Maxx. They are practically siblings, but each has features that separate one from the other.

It can be said that Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is the upgraded version of Moto G7 Optimo. It is bigger in size, for example. They are both released in 2019.

Moto G7 Optimo Maxx features a bigger screen at 6.2-inch. That’s the most apparent difference this phone has. Less subtle differences include RAM and battery capacity.

Do the extra features are worth having? Or should you stay with Moto G7 Optimo? In this specs comparison between Moto G7 Optimo (XT1952DL) and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx (XT1955DL), we will find out more. Hopefully, it will help you decide, which phone suits you more.

Main Differences  

As mentioned earlier, the display is the most obvious difference between these phones. Moto G7 Optimo comes with a 5.7-inch display. Meanwhile, it’s 6.2-inch on Moto G7 Optimo Maxx.

Next, the RAM capacity of these phones. Although they use a similar type of processor, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx offers a bigger RAM capacity at 3 GB. Moto G7 Optimo only has 2 GB of it.

Another key difference is the battery size.  Moto G7 Optimo offers 3,000mAh in capacity. On the other hand, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx will blow your mind with its 5,000mAh battery. It is significantly a lot more than the competitor.

Bigger screen means Moto G7 Optimo Maxx has an overall bigger dimension. You will also notice that Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is heavier. This is thanks to the big battery it’s carrying.

Specs Comparison

Specs comparison between Moto G7 Optimo (XT1952DL) and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx (XT1955DL):

Moto G7 OptimoMoto G7 Optimo Maxx
Dimensions148.7 x 71.5 x 8.1mm159.4 x 76 x 9.3mm
OSAndroid 9Android 9
Screen size5.7-inch6.2-inch
Resolution1512 x 7201570 x 720
CPU1.8GHz Octa-core1.8GHz Octa-core
Rear camera13MP12MP
Front camera8MP8MP


Moto G7 Optimo Side View
Moto G7 Optimo

Both phones feature an almost identical design. The main difference lies in its dimension. Moto G7 Optimo has a dimension of 148.7 x 71.5 x 8.1mm. On the other hand, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx towers its competitor with a dimension of 159.4 x 76 x 9.3mm.

The phone also weighs more, at 198g compared to Moto G7 Optimo’s 151g. The bigger size on Moto G7 Optimo Maxx means it will be harder for users to use the phone with one hand. Moto G7 Optimo is the one that’s more compact. Therefore it’s more comfortable to use.

As mentioned earlier, the design is similar. There’s a notch on each phone, housing camera, LED flash, and the speaker. The material is plastic and nano-coated. Nano-coating means the phones are water-resistant.

Moto G7 Optimo Maxx Left Side
Moto G7 Optimo Maxx

Volume keys and the Power key are located on the right side of the phone. It applies to both of them. The similarities also extend to the back area of each phone. Here, you will find the camera, fingerprint reader, and Tracfone logo.

However, the back casing on Moto G7 Optimo is a matte black while Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is navy blue. The navy coloring is also more glossy than matte. That’s the only difference of the two phones in terms of aesthetics.

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The specs details for Moto G7 Optimo display show a 5.7-inch display with a resolution of 1512 x 720. Moto G7 Optimo Maxx features a 6.2-inch display with a similar resolution. Both displays categorize as HD+.

Since the resolution is similar but the size is different, it means Moto G7 Optimo has more pixel density. On this phone, it’s 294ppi compared to the 279ppi screen on Moto G7 Optimo Maxx.

Moto G7 Optimo technically has the better display. It is sharper since it packs more pixels in the same area. This phone also feels brighter than its competitor. Especially when we brought them under the sun.

Moto G7 Optimo Maxx wins in terms of size. It provides more space for you to play or work on the phone. The screen accommodates app stacking better than Moto G7 Optimo. Activities that require more screen size such as watching movies, is better experienced on Moto G7 Optimo Maxx.

As a conclusion, if you are all about size, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is the best choice. However, you will sacrifice quality by choosing it. On the other hand, Moto G7 Optimo is for someone who likes more compact, but a better quality screen.


Moto G7 Optimo Back Cover
Moto G7 Optimo

Moto G7 Optimo features a 13MP camera with PDAF, an 8MP front camera, and an LED flash on both of them. Moto G7 Optimo Maxx offers a 12MP rear camera and an 8MP front-facing lens. There’s also PDAF technology on its rear camera.

Looking at the resolution alone, it seems that Moto G7 Optimo is winning. But cameras aren’t only measured by how much resolution they have. There are also several things to consider.

Although smaller in resolution,  Moto G7 Optimo Maxx has some better features. There is EIS (Electronic Image Stabilization) to help reduce blur on image results. This phone also offers RAW output for better photo editing.

Moto G7 Optimo Maxx Back Side
Moto G7 Optimo Maxx

In some cases, Moto G7 Optimo is better. Apart from the bigger resolution, it also has a smaller aperture (F2.0) compared to the other phone (F2.2). This can also improve the quality of the photo taken using this phone’s camera.

Both phones take 1080p videos. Menus on the camera app are also similar to one another. You can choose manual mode, portrait mode, and other options like panorama and HDR.

For casual users, all the differences are considered minor.  Motorola didn’t upgrade significantly on Moto G7 Optimo Maxx that makes the camera more irresistible. But if you are an aspiring photographer and likes playing with RAW images, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is worth considering.

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In this category, there’s nothing to compare between these two phones. Each is providing 32GB of storage as the internal storage. At the start, 22GB will be available for users. The rest of it is reserved by the system.

A 32GB internal memory is a common capacity for many phones on this price range. Even when Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is supposed to have a larger capacity, somehow it doesn’t surprise us to find out there’s no upgrade here.

There’s also an option for expandable storage. You can buy an SD card and add them to the phones to increase the capacity. For the microSD card, the biggest you can install is 512GB. It applies to both Moto G7 Optimo and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx.


Both Moto G7 Optimo and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx use the same type of processor, Qualcomm Snapdragon 632. This processor is a 1.8GHz Octa-core processor with Adreno 506 as its GPU.

What’s different between the two phones is the RAM size. Moto G7 Optimo runs on 2GB of RAM. Moto G7 Optimo Maxx comes with a bigger capacity of 3GB.  For software, both phones run on Android 9.0 Pie.

Since Moto G7 Optimo Maxx has a bigger RAM, it is better in multitasking. There are more apps you can open at one than in Moto G7 Optimo before the performance is starting to be affected. However, on everyday usage, you won’t find much disparity in basic things such as apps launch time.

It’s because both phones use the same CPU. Further, they also have a similar Android version. Therefore performance feels similar when running everyday tasks. However, if you’re trying to push the phones to their limit, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx will handle the demand better.

The Android version (Android 9.0 Pie) was the latest version at the time the phones are launched in 2019. Like Motorola has always been doing, they don’t tweak the Android at all. You will enjoy an unmodified version from Google that is light, fast, and has minimal bloatware.

There are still some custom apps by Motorola. Among the examples is the Moto app. Some third-party apps are also included like Facebook and Tracfone MyAccount. But when compared to phones from other big brands like Samsung, the addition is only a small one.

Fingerprints sensor is available on both phones. On top of the standard PIN and password, it provides added security to the phone. Both phones also incorporate other sensors like accelerometer, light sensor, and proximity sensor.

For accessibility features, both phones are hearing aid friendly (M4/T3 rating). Since they use identical software, apps inside the phone are also similar when it comes to accessibility. You will find the Speak app (Google Voice), Google Assistant, and TTY. 

As a conclusion, considering performance alone, it’s quite easy to decide. The specs comparison between Moto G7 Optimo and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx shows RAM size as a key deciding point. If you like to have more flexibility in multitasking, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx would be more reliable. However, Moto G7 Optimo is not bad either. For a more casual user, this device is more than adequate.


After storage, this is also the spec category in which both phones share nothing but similarities. On either phone, you will find 4G LTE supports along with other network types such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Calls on both phones are generally without problem and produce crystal clear voice. Just make sure you have enough balance. Here’s how to check TracFone minute balance.

Derivative features like Mobile Hotspot and Wi-Fi direct are also available. If you like some entertainment when offline, there’s FM radio support. Speaking of audio, you will still find a 3.5mm headphone jack on either Moto G7 Optimo or Moto G7 Optimo Maxx.

Both phones feature USB type-C as their charging and data transfer connector. GPS works almost similarly on both. They are equally quick doing tasks like finding a certain location. If you’re looking for NFC, unfortunately, neither phone is providing this feature.


The battery is where Moto G7 Optimo Maxx becomes the ultimate champion. At 5,000mAh, its battery capacity is significantly larger than Moto G7 Optimo. The latter only provides a Lithium-Ion battery with 3,000mAh in capacity.

The performance comparison result is clear. While Moto G7 Optimo Maxx can easily reach a couple of days, the top you can do with Moto G7 Optimo is one day. The talk-time comparison is 3 days versus 29 hours with Moto G7 Optimo Maxx being the winner.

If you lead a busy life, Moto G7 Optimo Maxx is a perfect choice. Not only is the battery that’s reliable, but also its charging time. With this phone, you can get 9 hours of usage in 15 minutes. Moto G7 Optimo also has rapid charging features, however, it is not as quick as Moto G7 Optimo Maxx (10W rapid charging vs 15W TurboPower charging).

Which is better: Moto G7 Optimo or Moto G7 Optimo Maxx?

For the price, it’s actually surprising to find out there’s no difference here. Moto G7 Optimo is sold at $159.99 retail price, which is actually more expensive than Moto G7 Optimo Maxx at $149.99. However, on a discount, they cost equally $119.99 for you to bring home.

It looks like Motorola emphasizes that one phone is not necessarily better than the other. They each just cater to different kinds of customer needs.

Taking all technical things into account, this specs comparison between Moto G7 Optimo (XT1952DL) and Moto G7 Optimo Maxx (XT1955DL) shows several conclusions. Moto G7 Optimo is more compact, easier to handle, and quite reliable in terms of performance. It is perfect for casual users.

Meanwhile, Moto G7 Optimo is for someone willing to take things to the next level. It has a bigger RAM and a bigger battery. The fast charging also works faster. We imagine this phone will be perfect for busy individuals.

Additionally, if you need a reliable back up phone, we also have a helpful guide for you. Read this article about 10 Best Tracfone Flip Phones for Seniors. Find out what’s the best feature phone currently available on the market.

Moto G7 Optimo Pros

  • More compact size
  • Sharper screen
  • Bigger camera resolution

Moto G7 Optimo Maxx Pros

  • Bigger screen
  • Bigger battery
  • Camera with Image Stabilization (EIS)
  • More features for similar price

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