
BLU View 1 vs Alcatel TCL LX: Specs Comparison

The specs comparison between BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX digs deeper into each phone’s strengths and weaknesses. Find out which one is better.

Blu View 1 vs TCL LX

Starter phones are a favorite choice for many smartphone users. They are affordable but offering plenty of features.

Among the choices is BLU View 1 (B100DL) that’s released in 2019. Then there’s Alcatel TCL LX (A502DL), released in 2018.

These are Android smartphones. They both have a big display, a relatively fast processor, and a durable battery.

This specs comparison between BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX is meant to give readers clear insight. Further, we’re going to compare every feature side by side.

Main Differences

The main difference between BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX starts on their display. It’s not noticeable. But BLU View is larger with a 5.5-inch screen. Meanwhile, Alcatel TCL LX only has a 5.34-inch screen.

The next key difference is software. BLU View 1 is up to date with its Android 9.0 Pie. Alcatel TCL LX chose to use the previous version, Android 8.1 Oreo.

Also, the most important difference lies on the processor speed. While BLU View 1 is faster with a 1.5GHz Mediatek processor, Alcatel TCL LX has a lower speed processor at 1.1GHz.

Other differences are minor, such as the expandable storage. BLU View 1 offers a 64GB allowed capacity versus Alcatel TCL LX’s 32GB of external storage.

BLU View 1 also has a larger battery at 2,500mAh. Like the display, it’s not a contrasting difference. Alcatel TCL LX’s battery has a slightly lower capacity at 2,460mAh.

Specs Comparison

Specs comparison between BLU View 1 (B100DL) vs Alcatel TCL LX (A502DL):

BLU View 1Alcatel TCL LX
Dimensions142.2 x 71.1 x 10.1mm148.1 x 69.6 x 9.4mm
OSAndroid 9Android 8.1
Screen size5.5-inch5.34-inch
Resolution960 x 480960 x 480
CPU1.5GHz Quad-core1.1GHz Quad-core
Rear camera8MP8MP
Front camera2MP2MP


BLU View 1 Front View
BLU View 1

The dimension of Alcatel TCL LX is 148.1 x 69.6 x 9.4mm. On BLU View 1, the phone measures at 142.2 x 71.1 x 10.1mm.

Alcatel TCL LX weighs at 152g. Meanwhile, BLU View 1 is a bit heavier at 153g.

Both phones feature a black casing and rectangular rounded edge design. Plastic is their choice as the material.

From the device size, BLU View 1 has a smaller profile overall. It’s unique since this phone actually has a bigger display than Alcatel TCL LX.

However, Alcatel TCL LX is slimmer. It also has a rougher texture on the back for a steady grip.

TCL LX Front

For their weight, the difference it’s not noticeable. Either phone is light to carry.

The placement for keys and components are roughly similar on both phones. The Power and Volume keys are located on the right side.

On the back, BLU View 1 has two horizontal stripes on the top and the bottom. Alcatel TCL LX’s back cover is all plain without any extra touch for its design.

We like BLU View 1 design for its small frame and smaller bezel. But we also like how thin and comfortable the Alcatel TCL LX is in our hands.

In this case, we consider the two phones tie when it comes to design. In general, they are solid phones and lightweight.

We also didn’t find any protective features like a waterproof design. However, we’re not surprised since these are not high-end phones.


BLU View 1 features a 5.5-inch display with 960 x 480 resolution. Alcatel TCL LX has a 5.34-inch HD display.

Alcatel TCL LX has the same resolution at 960 x 480. They also share the same 18:9 aspect ratio.

Their display both categorize as an HD screen. However, Alcatel TCL LX has a slightly bigger pixel density.

But don’t worry, the difference is hard to notice with naked eyes. It’s something many phone users won’t notice.

Both LCD displays also use the same IPS capacitive touchscreen type. The quality is no different from one phone to another.

Since it’s an HD screen, it provides nice graphic output for movies and images. Colors also come out with good contrast.

Brightness is also decent. You can’t expect mind-blown graphics, of course. 

It means there are still imperfections here and there. For example, pixelated texts and rough edges on logos or icons.

If display quality is similar, there’s one more feature to consider. This feature is a protective coating.

Protective coating is like Gorilla glass. It can protect the display from minor everyday accidents.

In this case, Alcatel TCL LX is layered with Dragontrail glass coating. BLU View 1 doesn’t have a feature like that.

Hence, although they pull a draw for graphic quality, Alcatel TCL LX wins by a little. This can be your deciding point.

Read also:


BLU View 1 Back View
BLU View 1

BLU View 1 provides a rear camera with a resolution of 8MP. Alcatel TCL LX also has the same spec on the back.

This phone has an 8MP camera too. However, it only has a 2MP front camera. Find out the details of the camera in this Alcatel TCL LX review.

BLU View 1 is the better choice here with a 5MP front-facing camera. You will get a better result for selfies.

It’s a pity that Alcatel TCL LX only has a 2MP camera. In this case, BLU View is the winner of the camera category.

The rear camera on both phones work decently for entry-level phones. The phones both provide autofocus. 


Each camera works best when the lighting is plentiful. Because a little bit dim environment can add significant noise to the picture result.

Especially natural light will bring out great details in objects. There is an LED flash, but in our opinion, it helps a little.

It merely makes the object visible. But it doesn’t influence much on noise occurrence.

Each phone also provides standard features for their camera app. You can find features such as panorama, HDR, and grid.

In conclusion, the camera setup is somewhat basic on each phone. BLU View 1 is the better solely because it has a higher resolution front camera.


BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX offer 16GB of space for the internal storage. Both devices also provide external storage options.  

This amount of capacity is a normal one on entry-level phones. It’s not much that’s why an SD card will eventually become necessary.

Although they both support external storage, BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX differ on how much you can add.

With Alcatel TCL LX, the maximum capacity is 32GB. BLU View 1 allows up to 64GB of additional storage.

BLU View 1 is the more generous one here. If a user thinks he/she needs a lot of space, BLU View 1 is the safer option.


BLU View 1 runs on a 1.5GHz Quad-core, Mediatek MT6739 processor. The phone is aided by a 2GB of RAM to run its task.

Alcatel TCL LX also has the same Mediatek MT6739WM processor. Only the speed is different at 1.1GHz. The RAM capacity is similar at 2GB.

Mediatek MT6739 CPU has an integrated VGA called PowerVR GE8100. This VGA is responsible for every graphic processing inside these phones.

BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX also went into a separate way when it comes to software. BLU View 1 installs Android 9.0 Pie while Alcatel TCL LX uses the older Android 8.1.

For the hardware performance, BLU View 1 is certainly the faster one. In general, the processor is fast enough for basic apps. It can handle light games as well.

You will notice that an app is too heavy when the phone starts to give you lags. This happens in both BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX.

However, in some cases BLU View 1 handles the apps demand better than Alcatel TCL LX. It’s noticeably faster when both phones are tested using a heavy app.

The Android version on BLU View 1 also helps enhance the performance. Android 9.0 Pie offers some improvement in speed.

Therefore this phone is faster in some cases. Apart from that, it’s also smarter when preserving battery life.

From the user experience standpoint, we enjoy Android 9.0 Pie more. In our opinion, the design is better in Android 9.0 Pie than in Alcatel TCL LX’s Android.

From appearance, you won’t notice a start distinction. App icons look similar on both phones.

Even the placement of the apps on the Home screen is also similar. The Android upgrade is not something apparent at a glance.

The improvement lies in the better Google Assistant feature. Therefore, users will have more accessibility with BLU View 1.

Other features include adaptive brightness. It automatically controls the phone’s brightness based on the app you’re using.

On their spec, BLU View 1 listed the accelerometer and the proximity sensor. Alcatel also has these two sensors plus a light sensor.

In addition to sensors, both phones are hearing aid compatible and don’t have fingerprint sensors.

If we can recommend, you can go for BLU View 1. It has the faster processor and the newer software. 

Although it misses a light sensor, it doesn’t affect performance that much. That pretty much sums up the performance specs comparison between BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX.

Next, make sure to read the review of BLU View 1 for more details. 


BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX each support the 4G network. Other types of networks they support are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and conventional data transfer through USB.

The setup is pretty much the same on each phone. Including the fact that none supports NFC. They also still use MicroUSB technology.

The 4G LTE makes it possible for good quality calls. For the internet, it is also quite fast.

These phones also have GPS. It delivers mixed performance, in our opinion.

Finding location is supposed to be quick. App performance can be lagging sometimes. But we think there’s no problem as for the GPS itself.

Read also: Alcatel TCL A1 vs ZTE Blade T2 Lite: Specs Comparison


The battery on BLU View 1 has a 2,500mAh capacity. It is slightly larger than Alcatel TCL LX has at 2,460mAh.

In our opinion, these are enough capacity for a phone with more than a 5-inch screen. Between the two, we found the battery performance is quite similar.

But that’s for normal usage. For talk time, Alcatel TCL LX is the winner.

The device can reach up to 20 hours of talk time. Meanwhile, BLU View 1 is only capable of 13.3 hours of talk time.

If you are planning to use the phone mainly for calling, Alcatel TCL LX is the better device here.

Which is better: BLU View 1 or Alcatel TCL LX?

Through this specs comparison between BLU View 1 and Alcatel TCL LX, we can see who the winner is. BLU View 1 is the better phone among the two.

It has a larger display, Android 9.0 Pie, faster processor, and more battery capacity Additionally, the phone also has a bigger capacity for external storage.

On the other hand, Alcatel TCL LX’s strength lies in its display protection and longer talk time. For the price, both phones tie with each other.

For extra information, find out how Alcatel TCL LX compare to TCL A1 in this article.

BLU View 1 actually has the more expensive price ($49.99 vs $39.99 for Alcatel TCL LX). But at a discount, you can afford each phone with paying only $29.99.

Don’t forget to learn about Tracfone discount and deals so you can save even more money along the way.

BLU View 1 Pros

  • Faster processor
  • More battery
  • Newer Android
  • More expandable storage
  • Bigger screen

Alcatel TCL LX Pros

  • Light sensor
  • Dragontrail glass protection
  • Longer talktime

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